
Achieving Positive Energy through Vastu

Vastu comprises  a set of scientific  principles  which are believed  to bring in peace and prosperity to the followers of  those principles.  It is the general tendency of the Vastu believers that by applying the Vastu guidelines, the inmates of a house can lead a happy and  peaceful life.  Vastu principles are believed to  provide scientific explanations and reasons to all the   Vastu applications  prescribed  while designing  the living space in order to  bring positive energy. While buying a house it is always better to look  out for an ideal house or apartment which is built as per  Vastu  principles.

The following guidelines may be applied to increase the positive energy  from Vastu.

The most important part of a house is the main entrance, as the main entrance is known as the mouth of the house which brings energy inside the house.  According to Vastu guidelines, it is always better to avoid buying property which has a door facing south-west direction, as  negative energy enters the house from south-west direction and also brings in struggle and misfortune for the people who live in.
The ideal place for kitchen is the south-east direction. Avoid placing kitchen in north or north-east direction, as kitchen is treated  as the symbol of prosperity and  placing it  in the wrong direction may bring financial losses as well as health problems.
The main source of  strength and stability is the master bedroom. According to vastu rules, master bedroom must be in the south-west direction and it is advised  to  sleep with your head placed towards the south or west direction.
According to vastu, toilets and bathrooms should be in south-west corner or in south-west direction of the apartment. Since, the wind flows from north-east to south-west direction and if a toilet is placed in the north-east direction,  the wind will enter the room flowing through the toilet, which will contaminate the air flowing  in the rooms.
The centre of the apartment (known as Brahmasthan)should be spacious and clean, and this area should  receive good amount of natural light. Blockage of the centre is not ideal as per  Vastu. So,  rooms, kitchen or toilets should not be placed in the centre of the house. Interestingly, keeping the living room is ideal for the centre from where you can access every room.

The following are a strict no,  as per Vastu Shastra, as they bring negative energy.

It is better to avoid using  bright colours  like red and purple in abundance, as they may create negative energy in the  house. In the  bedroom, red and black colours should be avoided.
Pictures/paintings showing water  should be avoided, especially  in the bedroom, as keeping these kind of pictures might affect you negatively.
Puja  mandir/ temple should not be placed under a  beam or  in a  cupboard; it may put you under stress. The idols or pictures of God  should be placed in  the prayer room only and  should be avoided keeping them  in the  bedroom.
Heavy items  should not be placed  in north-east side of the house as it may block your financial progress.
The mirror should not be placed infront of the beds and it is always better to cover the mirrors during the night.

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