Interior Decoration

Interior Decoration

Interior decoration is the art of  transforming interiors to create a beautiful interior views. Interior decoration  is done  in homes, institutions and commercial spaces as well. 
The History of Interior Decoration

Early Egypt

Interior decoration  dates back to ancient times, as people have decorated as early  as they had houses. The first signs of purposeful interior decoration  were evidenced in the lavishly decorated Egyptian tombs. Romans also carefully arranged their rooms based on the function of the room and the time of year. In the summer they used rooms that took advantage of breezes, and different rooms in the winter that gave extra protection from the cold.

Renaissance Period

During the Italian Renaissance, wealthy people became interested in the arts and began to commission artists to work in their homes. Function, form and decadence were the major themes in the palaces of the wealthy. Interior decoration along with designing reached its heights during this period.

Early American

Early American decorating was mostly homemade as people were inspired by the homes of the wealthy. Artisanship and function were the mainstays of this design period.

Industrial Revolution

The dawn of industry made interior decorating available to the many. Cheaper home goods and decorating items such as wallpaper, household paints  and fabrics caused middle-income families to be more interested in interior design and decoration.

Modern Times

Interior decoration  today is available to people of every income group  and level of skill. Interior decoration  has become so popular that  shows are shown even on television to  teach people how to decorate on their own,  and the interior decorators are catering  to the middle income  groups as well as the  rich. Modern decorating styles encompass styles  of all of the previous  periods of interior decoration and designing.

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